WHO-TDR Clinical Coordination and Training Center (CCTC) is going to organize the one-day online International Ethics Review Committee workshop on September 26 at Yenepoya Ethics Committee (University)...
Workshop for IRB Members in Bangladesh will be held in February 2025, organized by R(H)OPE Consortium, Belgium with the cooperation of the WHO. Interested are requested to contact Prof Shamima Lasker at e...
SOP Training for Ethics Committee Members is going to be organized by FERCAP Date: 25...
ERC, BBS is going to organize a 2-hour online Training for IRB Members on 25th Oct 2024. Prograamme is organized by FERCAP, SIDCER, WHO in collaboration with ERC, BBS. Interested are requested to cont...
International Seminar for Capacity Strengthen for IRB Members of Bangladesh was organized by Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC) and Bangladesh Bioethics Society on 12th January 2023 at Bangladesh Medical Resea...