Research involving humans or animals require ethical clearance by an Ethics Review Committee (ERC). Some institutes have its own Institutional Review Board (IRB). These consider the research studies involved in biomedical or behavioral research submitted by the scientists of their own centre only. Therefore, each and every proposal in graduate and post-graduate research is not being brought before IRB for ethical clearance. Moreover, due to advances in science and technology, biomedical technologies, and the environmental crisis, over the years a significant number of clinical trials, biomedical, and behavioral research have increased and international collaborations are growing rapidly in Bangladesh. If there are more IRBs more chance of protocols passing through IRB for safeguarding of research participants. However, there is no established IRB to oversee the research involving human, animal and environment in Bangladesh.

Therefore, to increase scientific and ethical research culture in professional education, clinical & behavioral research and community interest, the present ERC of Bangladesh Bioethics Society (BBS) has been formed in 2014. It provides independent guidance, reviews, and approves research proposals involving humans, animals, and environments to safeguard the dignity, rights, and safety for research participants.

Regular Meeting of ERC, BBS is held every month for Ethical clearance.

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